Hazel Findlay helps people live to their highest potential as individuals who seek independence, good health, and personal fulfillment. To prepare for admission, please review the information below. If you need help or have questions, please call us at (989) 224-8936 and ask for Admissions or our Team Growth Officer.
Physician Checklist for Admission
These forms must be completed by the primary care physician (PCP). Please write the patient’s name and date of birth on the top of the packet and drop off at their PCP’s office.
This packet should be completed by the patient, family member, or primary caregiver. All information must be as accurate and up-to-date as possible to give a correct overview of the individual’s current care needs. Be sure to include copies of insurance cards, driver’s license (ID), advance directives, guardianship, or power of attorney paperwork. We are happy to make copies for you if you bring original documents.
This list provides an idea of what is required of you and your family regarding personal items, as well as what should not be brought into the facility.