What is skilled nursing?
Skilled nursing provides 24-hour care and services for people following a short-term, acute event or illness or because of a long-term event or illness. Some examples of skilled services include: wound care, intravenous therapy, injections, catheter care, physical therapy, and monitoring of vital signs or medical equipment. Short-term rehabilitation services may be covered by Medicare with some plans requiring prior authorization.
What is long-term care?
Long-term care is when a person cannot complete care without another person’s assistance. It encompasses Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) assistance (grooming, bathing, dressing or eating), medication administration and more. This is typically covered by Medicaid, long-term care insurance or paid for out-of-pocket.
Do you have short-stay options?
Yes! Short-stay or respite services are available. This can be facilitated through hospice or paid for privately. Information will be needed from the primary physician or hospice agency.

What should I expect at admission?
At arrival, staff will show you to your room and help you get settled. You or your responsible party will complete an Admissions Agreement and answer some nursing care questions. A physical evaluation will be completed by the nurse and therapy staff will evaluate your current therapy needs.
Who will be my doctor during my stay?
Multiple area physicians are available to oversee your care during your stay. These physicians include Dr. Paul Minnick, Dr. Christopher Beal, and Dr. B.P. Rajesh.
What should I bring with me?
We recommend that residents bring with them between five and seven days of labeled clothing that is comfortable and easy to move around in. Non-slip footwear is recommended. Any items that make your stay feel more comfortable are encouraged. Please see the complete list of What to Bring for items that are prohibited during your stay.
Any legal documents that pertain to the resident should be provided as well. These items include DPOAs, Living Wills, insurance cards, and guardian or conservatorship documents.
Do I bring my personal medications?
When completing a short stay or respite, medications can be supplied from home in original bottles and are administered according to the doctor’s orders.
Those coming in under Medicare or Medicaid will be enrolled with our pharmacy and the facility will provide medications.
When will my therapy begin and how often will I receive services?
Therapy services are initiated upon admission and programs are personalized to your specific needs. Services are provided five to seven days a week and progress with the individual.
For long-term residents, therapy services are available as needed and may be covered by insurance.
Is there a phone in my room?
You have the option to activate a phone during the stay. The cost is $35/month and includes long distances. You are welcome to use your cell phone and Wi-Fi access is available at no additional charge.
Can my pet visit during my stay?
Yes, pets may visit resident rooms after vaccination records are received by the Business Office. Pets are unable to visit common areas or dining rooms.
Is there a beautician available? Or can my personal hairstylist come into the facility?
Yes! There is a beautician available, or your current beautician can come into the facility. Staff can help facilitate a space for your beautician to provide services.
How will I know when I am ready to go home?
Care Conferences are held at regular intervals to keep you up to date on your progress. Members of your care team will discuss your short and long-term goals. Any support person you wish to include can attend as well. Care Conferences are currently held via conference call. Information about your first Care Conference will be given to you shortly after admission.
What if I have a complaint during my stay?
We want your stay to be as comfortable as possible and we understand things can go wrong. Let us know how we can help solve your problems or concerns in “real-time.” We have a Grievance Officer, and the staff will help you complete a pink grievance form for things like missing clothing, meals you didn’t like, activities not to your preference and similar issues. If you believe abuse or neglect has occurred, tell the nurse who will contact the On-Call Abuse Coordinator. The Abuse Coordinator will meet with you either “live” or by phone to discuss your concerns.